Thursday, 23 April 2009

Fouth Week (April 17th)

* Oxford Practice Grammar (Because - in case of - so - so that)
* Carlos' report (The Netherlands) Better late than never...
* Instructions for writing mark

Next Report: Gabriela - Romania - April 24th

Friday, 3 April 2009

Third Week (April 3rd)

* Mirsa's report SURINAME
* Song "In the Ghetto" Elvis
* Dictionary Use p8-9, 10-11
* Writing exercise and conversation
* Photo description (questions)
* Writing correction code (common mistakes)
* Cirque du Soleil (p7 - 8) Transitive and Intransitive verbs

Next report: Carlos V. The Netherlands

Oral Reports Evaluation Rubrics

Please, send me your comments and suggestions about the RUBRIC. Thanks.