Sunday, 5 July 2009

Correction Code

(P) Punctuation
(WW) Wrong Word
(GR) Grammar
(WO ) Word Order
(NN) Not Necessary
(VF) Verb Form
(SM) Something is missing
(SP) Spelling
(WF) Word Form

Friday, 5 June 2009

June 5th

Dictation Practice
To tip or not to tip...

Headway Intermediate U4
Antony and George

I think you should...

How to write an essay...

May 29th

(Almost) Nobody came to classes... It is me?

Friday, 15 May 2009

May 15th

1. Check tests

2. Verb subject agreement

3. Headway Intermediate

Online Exercises Unit 4 Ex. 1 - 2 - 3

4. Writing stories

Friday, 8 May 2009

Sixth Week (May 8th)

Subject verb agreement


Words with similar meanings
Confusing words

Writing creative stories

Fifth Week (April 24th)

CSI Crime vocabulary
Writing task (HW)
Cirque du Soleil pages 9-10-11
Dictionary Use page 8

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Fouth Week (April 17th)

* Oxford Practice Grammar (Because - in case of - so - so that)
* Carlos' report (The Netherlands) Better late than never...
* Instructions for writing mark

Next Report: Gabriela - Romania - April 24th

Friday, 3 April 2009

Third Week (April 3rd)

* Mirsa's report SURINAME
* Song "In the Ghetto" Elvis
* Dictionary Use p8-9, 10-11
* Writing exercise and conversation
* Photo description (questions)
* Writing correction code (common mistakes)
* Cirque du Soleil (p7 - 8) Transitive and Intransitive verbs

Next report: Carlos V. The Netherlands

Oral Reports Evaluation Rubrics

Please, send me your comments and suggestions about the RUBRIC. Thanks.

Friday, 27 March 2009

Second Week (March 27th )

Match questions to answers

Dictionary Use 1

How to describe a photo

Board Games

Placement test - Pre Intermediate

First Week

March 16th
Placement test

March 20th
Gold Unit 1 Cirque du Soleil


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